Safer Printmaking
Articles and Links

Safe Printmaking
New Directions in Printmaking
featuring Nick Semenoff's blog, waterless lithography and other less-toxic methods.
Handbook of Kitchen Litho
alternative way of lithography using common materials.
artistic inquiry into printmaking substrates + health impacts.
private, academic Research Resource on Nontoxic Printmaking.
users instructions for ImagOn and ImagOn Ultra Photopolymer Films.
The Printmakers Experimentarium
evaluates new printmaking techniques & materials based on acrylics & polymers.
is a space to practice, research into and teach interesting innovative and traditional printmaking techniques.
Andrew Baldwin - based at Trefeglwys Studio, in 2002 he developed & produced an innovative etching ground (BIG) as part of a drive to reduce some of the more hazardous processes in printmaking (Baldwin Intaglio Ground).
Diane Longley - works with a range of traditional and digital processes including printmaking, encaustic & artist books.
Janet Ayliffe - a pioneer of solar plate (photopolymer) plate techniques as well as multiple plate work.
Dan Weldon first developed the solarplate printing technique in 1972 & developed an innovative & safer approach to printmaking.
Green Prints Safer & alternative methods for printmaking, including Galv-Etch - Cedric Green.
Keith Howard - the first artist to systematically investigate alternative methods in intaglio printmaking in the late 80s. (now deceased)
Tips & Tricks for taking artwork pictures on your phone
Image tips
Negin Maddock shares methods for online images for social media and exhibitions
Ad Stijnman, a printmaker & print historian from the Netherlands, has studied the dangers of traditional printmaking & researched less toxic procedures.
Etching zinc with copper sulphate mordant
by Ad Stijnman. (27KB PDF)
Safe & Safer - a history of safer printmaking
by Ad Stijnman. (44KB PDF)
VCA - vegetable cleaning agents by Ad Stijnman. (32KB PDF)
Notes on Waterless Lithography - a technique developed by Nik Semenoff in 1985. The text (originally by Ross Zirkle) was updated with additional observations by Annie Day of the Printmaking Sisters in September 2017.(82.7KB PDF)
Safer Etchants - recipes for copper sulphate etch & ferric chloride etch. (82.8KB PDF)
Clean up without solvents - a description of safer cleanup methods. (32KB PDF)
Printmaking in the Sun - Dan Welden & Pauline Muir, published by Watson Guptill in 2001,
the comprehensive manual of solarplate methods.
Non-Toxic Intaglio Printmaking - Keith Howard (Author), Monona Rossol (Foreword)
Printmaking with Photopolymer Plates - Author/Publisher: Dianne Longley, 1998
Handbook of Non-Toxic Intaglio - Henrik Boegh
updated 2008
Artist Resources
National Association for the Visual Arts - represents the professional interests of the Australian visual arts & craft sector through advocacy, representation & service provision.
Australia Council for the Arts - information on the arts in Australia, including grants, networks & resources.
Print Council of Australia - a not-for-profit visual arts organisation that promotes, through IMPRINT magazine, all forms of contemporary prints, artists' books & paper art.
The Arts Law Centre of Australia - preliminary advice and information to artists & arts organisations on related legal and business matters.
Australian Copyright Council - an independent non-profit organisation providing information, advice & training about copyright in Australia.
Viscopy - Australasia's visual arts copyright collecting agency.
Arts NSW - the NSW Government's arts policy and funding body.
Prints & Drawings, Art Gallery of NSW.
Australian Prints - images & information about prints, printmaking posters & book arts including artists books and illustrated books.
Kenneth Tyler Printmaking Collection at the National Gallery of Australia - a rich source of information on American printmaking & printmakers of the second half of the 20th century.
Printmaking Links - printmaking links for supplies, equipment organizations, workshops ...
Printmaking Studios
Newcastle Printmakers Workshop Inc - NSW
Southern Highlands Printmakers - NSW
Megalo Access Arts - ACT
Australian Print Workshop - VIC
Firestation Print Studio - VIC
Baldessin Press - VIC
Hunter Island Press - TAS
Bittondi Printmakers - SA
The Printmakers Association of Western Australia - WA
Impress Printmakers - QLD
Capricornia Printmakers - QLD
Wharepuke Print Studio - New Zealand